Tarot readings
The Tarot is a living spiritual force. Tarot cards are a Divination tool that allows us to connect to the Spiritual Realms to bring answers to your questions.
To address your inquiries, I will customize a spread (or spreads) that I think will work best and then draw a combination of Tarot cards and Oracle cards.
While Oracle cards might seem similar to Tarot cards at first glance, the two are actually very different from one another.
As I said above, Tarot is a tool for Divination. Divination is “the practice of seeking knowledge of the future (or the unknown) by supernatural means”. Professional Tarot readings give also a past and present perspective as to why things are the way they are, whether that feels good or is affecting your life negatively and they also offer guidance on how things will "potentially" go in your future based on the energy of the present moment.
Oracle Cards are another powerful tool used to provide heavenly guidance and encouragement. They are deeply comforting and supportive as their main purpose is to offer spiritual support from our guides. Oracle cards can have an infinite variety of themes including guardian Angels, Archangels, Ascended masters, Goddesses, ancestors, spirit animals, the elements, etc.. Oracles are very helpful when you have something specific to ask and want help on the best direction to take or whatever support you need at that time. They weave in very well with the Tarot cards and the messages they provide are always magically targeted, offering us an even clearer perspective on the current situation and giving us valuable suggestions on how to deal with any obstacles.
It's always helpful to remember the existence of free will. Your life is in your hands: you make choices and decisions, you have thoughts and beliefs that are constantly effecting your future which is constantly changing according to your daily actions and choices. These readings can give you a valuable guidance to help you clear any limiting ways and beliefs, heal wounds, clear your path and break karmic cycles to help you see reality from a whole new perspective and live a much more aligned and conscious life.
How does a tarot reading work?
Once you booked the session, it is very important that you establish your intention for the reading.
Take a few minutes to think about what, exactly, it is you want to know.
(Please prepare 1 question/topic x session).
...what to ask?
The best thing about Tarot is that honestly, you can ask those cards A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G.
There’s no question too out-there for the Tarot—and better yet, there’s no judgment. There’s literally no limit to the issues Tarot can help you resolve and understand. The answers are all already out there and waiting — you just have to access them.
Tarot readings are divided into 2 main groups: monetary (relate exclusively to financial issues), and general (work/career, love, home, etc.).
As a tarot reader, personally, I avoid questions about health (I believe those are better answered by a medical professional) but embrace every other topic.
Here are some frequently asked questions:
What is the relationship's current energy?
What obstacle do I need to overcome?
What's the root cause of this situation?
What’s my career calling?
What are their true feelings for me right now?
What’s my current career energy?
What are their intentions to me now?
Can I trust this person?
What is the future nature of this relationship?
What's the best step for me to take now?
It's ok not to ask questions too!
If there’s something specific you want to know, please ask! But sometimes, you don’t know what it is you’re looking for and you just want to see what the cards will reveal. If this is the case, tell me a little bit about your own background (like your relationship status, job, home, and any burning issues going on) and say you’d like to be inspired or informed about your life right now.
When you are ready, if you have one, you can send me your question.
Once this is done, we will establish the date and time of our video-call which takes place via Zoom or Skype.
I have different Tarot and Oracle decks, I sense the ones to use based on your intentions. This helps me to choose cards that are for your benefit in order to give you the best guidance possible.
I tune into your energy and, while I shuffle the decks, I ask your question and set the intention for the reading.
After I pulled Tarot cards, I will pull some Oracle cards for some more guidance and any extra messages coming through from your spiritual team.
At the end of the session, I will send you the complete report of your reading by e-mail.
The e-mail will include the key concepts of your reading and a picture of the card drawn.
(Please allow up to 5 business days to receive your report).
All energies are held in a safe, sacred space and called upon with your intention.
All guidance is for your highest good and of all.
And so be it.
Disclaimer: readings are for those 18 years of age or older and are for educational and entertainment purposes only. No copyrigtht infringement intended.
I am not a medical doctor/practitioner. Any advice or information given during readings is not meant to be a replacement for care/treatment by a licensed medical professional.